Why Masonry
  • Masonry buildings are structurally sound. They are weather, earthquake, flood and fire resistant.
  • A firewall built with masonry is less expensive to construct and safer during a fire than a composite wood and drywall firebreak in multi-story residential applications.
  • Masonry does not burn, melt, or warp, and is the ideal material for fire-resistant applications. Masonry also resists mold, insects, and other pests that plague other building materials.
  • There are a number of tall reinforced masonry structures near earthquake epicenters that suffered virtually no damage, while structures built with other materials suffered major damage during the same disaster.

Thank you to the donors, volunteers, material suppliers, builders and advisors that made this video possible.

Why Masonry is a collaboration of the Mason Contractors Association of California (MCAC) and its industry partners, the Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada (CMACN) and Masonry Institute of America (MIA) representing the people and products of masonry construction. Our mission is to build safer, greener, stronger communities with masonry.